two notebooks full of paper

Pexels / Pixabay

A Key Message Copy Platform is a document that contains all of the things that have been said about the product or service.  The purpose of the  document is for it to serve as the copy Bible by becoming the master messaging document for that product or serve.  Once the document is written, it is the springboard from which you can write all collateral marketing pieces.

Purpose of Key Message Copy Platform

Each product or service should have a key message copy platform.  It is, as mentioned above, the Bible of information to consult before your write for that client.  It has copies of any written material that you have about the product or service, print outs of the copy that is online, testimonials, sample headlines and leads, and anything else you have on the product or service.  This will be quite a bundle of information.  However, by building this document, all that you need to write the rest of the material is centrally located  and available to everyone on staff.  All the information will now help make sure that all the departments who have something to write about for the package will now know the tone that is used, the words that have to be used, the words to avoid, and everything else about the product or service.

Importance of Key Message Copy Platform

If you can afford only one marketing piece, the Key Message Copy Platform is what you should invest in.  You, or members of your staff, should be able to write the rest of the pieces you need from the document.  My name is Stephanie Suesan Smith, Ph.D.  I can write a Key Message Copy Platform for you.  I can also write any other copy you need to provide a united front when speaking about the product or service.  Just call me at (903) 268-9622 or email me at  There is no charge for the initial consultation.
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